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[24-07-2014] The Stablity and Electronic Properties of Novel Three-Dimensional Graphene-MoS2 Hybird Structure
[24-07-2014] Bandgap engineering in graphene related materials: Functionalization, External electric field and In-plane strain
[24-07-2014] Phonon Quasiparticles and Anharmonic Effect in Solid
[24-07-2014] The Dynamics of Coupled Quantum Open System: Two examples
[24-07-2014] Energy Conduction on a Rotator Chain
[24-07-2014] A Neuronal Network Model for Context-Dependent Perceptual Decision on Ambiguous Sound Comparison
[24-07-2014] Excitation dynamics in phonon field
[24-07-2014] Majorana fermions in semiconductor nanowire
[24-07-2014] Integrated Optoelectronic Devices Based on Optical Microring Resonators
[24-07-2014] First-Principle Study of Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite for Photovoltaics
[24-07-2014] Electron Spin Decoherence in Silicon Carbide Nuclear Spin Bath
[24-07-2014] Computing Ground States of Spin-2 Bose-Einstein Condensates by the Normalized Gradient Flow
[24-07-2014] Threshold for Non-Thermal Stabilization of Open Quantum Systems
[24-07-2014] Atomic Structure and Electronic Properties of K Doped Picene and Phenanthrene Superconductor
[24-07-2014] Modeling and Numerical Simulations of Active Liquid Crystals
[24-07-2014] Steady Quantum Coherence in Non-Equilibrium Environment
[24-07-2014] Summary of Recent Reading on Tensor Decomposition and Tensor Equation
[24-07-2014] Oxygen-ion Arrangement and Diffusion in La2Mo2O9
[24-07-2014] Summary of recent reading on flocking theory
[24-07-2014] Linearized Finite Difference Schemes for a Water Wave Equation with a Nonlocal Viscous Term

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